Some people talk about you,
because they have lost the privilege to talk to you…
Let the above sink in for a minute. For those of us who have bravely chosen to remove ourselves from an unhealthy dynamic, have peace over never ending drama, distance over continual disrespect, it is almost certain that the perpetrator(s) in our lives will ramp up attempts to command attention in a desperate effort to trigger you and control the narrative; a relentless pursuit to designed to shame you back - returning them their narcissistic supply.
If you are new to understanding this type of manipulation and mistreatment, this type of abuse is slow, subtle, and deliberate. It is taking pretending you are a bad person so they don’t feel guilty about the things they did to you to a whole new and frightening level. Sadly for some of us it can last a lifetime. Below I share some thoughts and quotes that really resonated with me and help keep me grounded.
I hope they are of use for you too. x